سنديان – Quercus coccifera ssp. calliprinos L. Kermes Oak or Palestine – Oak


Quercus coccifera ssp. calliprinos L.

Kermes Oak or Palestine Oak

Uses: Specimen, Wildlife, Erosion control, Native to Lebanon
Growth Rate: Slow
Tree Shape: Spreading
Canopy Symmetry: Irregular
Canopy Density: Dense
Canopy Texture: Medium
Height at Maturity: 3 to 5 m
Spread at Maturity: 3 to 5 meters
Time to Ultimate Height: 20 to 50 Years

معروف بانه شجر معمّر. لديه أوراق دائمة الخضرة كثيفة للغاية. يتميز بالقدم والصلابة، وينصح بزراعته في الفلل والمناظر الطبيعية القديمة. بطيء النمو ولكنه سريع عند الري.

Known for their long living habit. Has very dense evergreen leaves. Features oldness and toughness, recommended to be planted in old looking villas and landscape. Slow growing, however, fast when irrigated.